Turistički navigator, utorak, 23. srpnja
Turistički navigator, utorak, 23. srpnja
Dragi gosti,
na rivi u Medulinu od 20.00 sati posjetite Istra Gourmet, sajam lokalnih gastro proizvoda.
U Medulinu posjetite i Arheološki park Vižula.
Na Velikom Brijunu, Kazalište Ulysses igra kazališnu predstavu “Ispovijest Dmitrija Karamazova” u 20.00 sati. Brod polazi iz Fažane.
Na Forumu u Puli, od 20 do 23 sata posjetite Istrian Hand Made Fair.
Također na Forumu, od 21.00 sat očekuje vas pop rock evergreen music koncert grupe Face to Face.
Na Kaštelu u Puli, u 21.00 sat, Istarsko narodno kazalište igra predstavu “Samice”.
Ugodnu večer želi vam Medulin FM.
Dear Guests,
On the coast of Medulin from 8 p.m. you can visit Istra Gourmet, a fair of local gastronomic products.
You can visit the Archeological park Vižula in Medulin.
On the Island of Veliki Brijun, Ulysses Theatre is hosting a theatre performance ‘Confessions of Dmitri Karamazov’ at 8 p.m. The boat leaves from Fažana.
On Forum in Pula you can visit Istrian Hand Made Fair, a summer festival of Istrian souvenirs, from 8 to 11 p.m.
On Forum you can also enjoy the pop rock evergreen concert by the group Face to Face, from 9 pm.
On Kaštel in Pula, at 9 pm, Istrian National Theatre is hosting a theatre performance ‘Singles’.
Medulin FM wishes you a pleasant evening
Dienstag, 23.07.
Liebe Gäste,
Besuchen Sie ab 20 Uhr an der Promenade von Medulin die Veranstaltung „Istra Gourmet“, bei der einheimische gastronomische Produkte angeboten werden.
Auch in Medulin können Sie den Archäologiepark „Vižula“ besuchen.
Die Vorstellung des Theaters Ulysses “Ispovijest Dmitrija Karamazova” (Die Beichte des Dimitri Karamazov) auf der Insel Brijuni beginnt um 20 Uhr.
Die Boote zur Insel fahren von Fažana ab.
Am Forum in Pula findet von 20-23 Uhr die „Istrian Hand Made Fair“ statt.
Auch am Forum tritt ab 21 Uhr die Gruppe „Face to Face“ mit Pop Rock Evergreens auf.
Im Kaštel in Pula präsentiert um 21 Uhr das Istrische Nationaltheater das Theaterstück „Samice“.
Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Ihnen Medulin FM.
Navigatore turistico, martedì 23 luglio
Cari ospiti,
in riva a Medolino dalle ore 20.00 visitate l’ Istra Gourmet, la fiera dei prodotti gastronomici locali.
A Medolino visitate anche il Parco archeologico Vižula.
A Brioni Maggiore, al Teatro Ulysses si svolgerà lo spettacolo „La confessione di Dmitrij Karamazov“ alle ore 20.00. La nave partirà da Fasana.
In piazza Foro a Pola, dalle ore 20.00 alle ore 23.00 visitate l’ Istrian Hand Made Fair.
Sempre in piazza Foro, dalle ore 21.00 vi attende il concerto di musica pop rock evergreen del gruppo Face to Face.
In Castello a Pola, alle ore 21.00, il Teatro popolare istriano presenta lo spettacolo „Samice“ („Sole“).
Buona serata vi augura Medolino FM.