Turistički navigator, utorak 20. kolovoza

Turistički navigator, utorak 20. kolovoza
Dragi gosti,
U Premanturi na placi od 19.00 sati dođite na MedulinArt Fair.
Na rivi u Medulinu od 20.00 sati posjetite Istra Gourmet.
Posjetite i Arheološki park Vižula u Medulinu.
Na Velikom Brijunu u 20.00 sati Kazalište Ulysses daje predstavu “Satovi plesa za odrasle i napredne”. Glumi Staša Zurovac.
Na Forumu od 20.00 sati dođite na Istrian Hand Made Fair.
Također na forumu, od 20.30 sati kulturno društvo Uljanik nastupa u programu folklora.
U Areni u 20.30 pogledajte gladijatorske borbe “Spectacula Antiqua”.
Na Kaštelu u Puli, u 21.30 dođite na predstavu “Dekorateri”, Kazališta Lectirum.
Ugodnu večer želi vam Medulin FM.
Dienstag, 20.08.
Liebe Gäste,
Besuchen Sie am zentralen Platz von Premantura ab 18 Uhr die “MedulinArt Fair“.
An der Promenade von Medulin findet ab 20 Uhr die „Istra Gourmet“ statt.
Besuchen Sie den Archäologiepark „Vižula“ in Medulin.
Auf der Insel Brijuni präsentiert um 20 Uhr das Theater Ulysses das Stück „Satovi plesa za odrasle i napredne“ (Tanzkurs für Erwachsene und Fortgeschrittene) mit dem Schauspieler Staša Zurovac.
Am Forum in Pula findet ab 20 Uhr die “Istrian Hand Made Fair” statt.
Auch am Forum in Pula zeigt ab 20.30 Uhr der Kulturverein Uljanik ein Folkloreprogramm.
In der Arena können Sie ab 20.30 Uhr im Rahmen von “Spectacula Antiqua” Gladiatorenkämpfe erleben.
Im Kaštel in Pula zeigt um 21.30 Uhr das Theater „Lectirum” das Stück “Dekorateri” (Dekorateur).
Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Ihnen Medulin FM.
Dear Guests,
You can come to the MedulinArt Fair on the square in Premantura from 7 p.m.
You can visit Istra Gourmet on the coast of Medulin from 8 p.m.
You can visit the archaeological park Vižula in Medulin.
On the Island of Veliki Brijun Ulysses Theatre is hosting the show ”Dance classes for adults and advanced” at 8 p.m. Starring Staša Zurovac.
You can come to the Istrian Hand Made Fair on Forum from 8 p.m.
Cultural society Uljanik is performing on Forum from 8:30 p.m. as a part of the folklore program.
You can watch the gladiator fights “Spectacula Antiqua” in the Arena at 8:30 p.m.
You can come to the “Decorators” theatre performance by Lectirum Theatre on Kaštel in Pula at 9:30 p.m.
Medulin FM wishes you a pleasant evening.
Navigatore turistico, martedì 20 agosto
Cari ospiti,
a Promontore in piazza dalle ore 19.00 venite al MedulinArt Fair.
In riva a Medolino dalle ore 20.00 visitate l’Istra Gourmet.
Visitate anche il Parco archeologico Vižula a Medolino.
A Brioni Maggiore alle ore 20.00 al Teatro Ulysses si svolgerà lo spettacolo „Ore di danza per adulti“. Recita Staša Zurovac.
In piazza Foro dalle ore 20.00 venite all’Istrian Hand Made Fair.
Sempre in piazza Foro, dalle ore 20.30 la società culturale Uljanik si esibirà in un programma folcloristico.
In Arena alle ore 20.30 venite a vedere i combattimenti tra gladiatori “Spectacula Antiqua”.
In Castello a Pola, alle ore 21.30 venite allo spettacolo „Decoratori“, del Teatrro Lectirum.
Buona serata vi augura Medolino FM.