Turistički navigator, petak 23. kolovoza
Turistički navigator, petak 23. kolovoza
Dragi gosti,
U Premanturi od 19.00 sati na placi posjetite MedulinArt Fair.
U Medulinu na rivi od 20.00 sati posjetite Hand Made Fair.
U Medulinu na placi u 20.00 sati dođite na Medulinske tradicijske večeri – Medulin Traditional evenings. Nastupaju Serđo Valić i Petar Banko.
U Beach baru Barracuda u medulinu od 21.00 sat dođite na Shooters party i nastup DJ Sose. ( DJ SOSA je ime)
U Vodnjanu započinje 19. Međunarodni festival folklora LERON. Mimohod folklornih grupa počinje u 20.00 sati Trgovačkom ulicom, dok će u 21.00 na Trgu uslijediti svečano otvorenje festivala uz nastup svih sudionika.
Na Portarati u Puli u 20.30 sati posjetite 15. Susret mažoretkinja.
U Štinjanu na placi u 21.00 sat nastupa Elis Lovrić.
Na Malom Brijunu u 20.30 sati Kazalište Ulysses poziva na Sofoklovu “Antigonu – 2000 godina kasnije” .
Plesni Centar Studio u 21.00 sat na Forumu u puli organizira Salsa Party.
U Puli, na DeVilleovu usponu, od 20.00 sati dođite na Downtown Pula, DJ nastupe i koncerte.
Ugodnu večer želi vam Medulin FM.
Navigatore turistico, venerdì 23 agosto
Cari ospiti,
a Promontore dalle ore 19.00 in piazza venite al MedulinArt Fair.
A Medolino in riva dalle ore 20.00 venite al Hand Made Fair.
A Medolino in piazza alle ore 20.00 venite al Medulin Traditional evenings. Si esibiranno Serđo Valić e Petar Banko.
Nel Beach bar Barracuda a Medolino dalle ore 21.00 venite al Shooters party e all’esibizione del DJ Sosa.
A Dignano inizia il 19-esimo Festival internazionale di folclore LERON. La sfilata dei gruppi folcloristici inizia alle ore 20.00 per la via Commerciale, mentre alle ore 21.00 in Piazza si svolgerà l’apertura solenne del festival con l’esibizione di tutti i partecipanti.
In piazza Portarata a Pola alle ore 20.30 venite al 15-esimo Incontro delle majorettes.
A Stignano in piazza alle ore 21.00 si esibirà Elis Lovrić.
A Brioni Minore alle ore 20.30 il Teatro Ulysses vi invita a vedere Sofocle „Antigone – 2000 anni dopo“.
Il Centro di danza Studio alle ore 21.00, in piazza Foro organizza il Salsa Party.
A Pola, al Clivo de Ville, alle ore 20.00 venite al Downtown Pula, ci saranno esibizioni di DJ e concerti.
Buona serata vi augura Medolino FM.
Dear Guests,
You can visit MedulinArt Fair on the square in Premantura from 7 p.m.
You can visit Hand Made Fair on the coast of Medulin from 8 p.m.
You can come to Medulin Traditional Evenings on the square in Medulin at 8 p.m. Serđo Valić and Petar Banko are performing.
You can come to Shooters party and watch the performance by DJ Sosa in Barracuda Beach bar in Medulin from 9 p.m.
The 19th International folklore festival LERON starts in Vodnjan. The parade of folklore groups starts at 8 p.m in Trgovačka ulica, and the ceremonial opening of the festival accompanied by the performance of all the participants will be on the Square at 9 p.m.
15th meeting of majorettes will be on Portarata in Pula at 8:30 p.m.
Elis Lovrić is performing on the square in Štinjan at 9 p.m.
On the Island of Mali Brijun, Ulysses Theatre invites you to Sofoklo’s ‘Antigona – 2000 years later’ at 8:30 p.m.
The Dance Centre Studio is organising the Salsa Party on Forum at 9 p.m.
You can come to Downtown Pula on DeVille ascent from 8 p.m. to DJ performances and concerts.
Medulin FM wishes you a pleasant evening.
Freitag, 23.08.
Liebe Gäste,
Besuchen Sie ab 19 Uhr in Premantura die „MedulinArt Fair“.
An der Promenade von Medulin findet ab 20 Uhr die „Hand Made Fair“ statt.
Bei dem Meduliner traditionellen Abend am zentralen Platz von Medulin tritt um 20 Uhr „Serđo Valić und Petar Banko“ auf.
„DJ Sosa“ legt ab 21 Uhr bei der Shooters Party in der Beach Barracuda in Medulin auf.
In Vodnjan beginnt heute das 19. Internationale Folklorefestival „Leron“. Schon um 20 Uhr können Sie Folkloregruppen auf den Plätzen erleben, während um 21.00 Uhr die feierliche Eröffnung des Festivals unter Beteiligung aller Teilnehmer stattfindet.
Vor dem Goldenen Tor in Pula findet um 20.30 Uhr das 15. Treffen der Tanzmariechen statt.
„Elvis Lovrić“ spielt ab 21 Uhr am zentralen Platz von Štinjan.
Das Theater Ulysses präsentiert um 20.30 Uhr auf der Insel Brijuni das Stück nach Sophokles „Antigone – 2000 später“.
Das Tanzstudio aus Pula organisiert um 21 Uhr am Forum in Pula eine Slasa Party.
Besuchen Sie ab 20 Uhr in der Straße De Villeov uspon in Pula im Rahmen von „Downtown Pula“ DJ Auftritte und Konzerte.
Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Ihnen Medulin FM.