turistički navigator 26. kolovoza

Turistički navigator, ponedjeljak 26. kolovoza
Dragi gosti,
u Premanturi na placi, od 20.00 sati, posjetite Istra Gourmet.
U Medulinu na rivi, od 19.00 sati dođite na MedulinArt Fair.
U crkvi svete Agneze u Medulinu u 21.00 sat očekuje program “Night At The Opera”. Nastupaju: Alessandro Cortello (tenor), Federico Lepre (tenor), Roberto Miani (tenor), Michele Bravin (piano).
Na Vallelungi u Puli u tijeku je moto susret – 25. Croatia Bike Week.
Na Forumu vas od 20.00 sati očekuje Istrian Hand Made Fair.
Na Forumu u 21.00 sat poslušajte jazz koncert Jazz Banda Pula.
Na Portarati u Puli u 21.30 posjetite Dancing stars; reviju latinoameričkih plesova i show dance.
Ugodnu večer želi vam Medulin FM.
Touristischer navigator, Montag, 26.08.
Liebe Gäste,
Besuchen Sie ab 20 Uhr am zentralen Platz von Medulin „Istra Gourmet“.
An der Promenade von Medulin findet ab 19 Uhr die „MedulinArt Fair“ statt.
In der Meduliner Kirche der Heiligen Agnes treten um 21 Uhr bei dem Programm „Night At The Opera” die Tenöre Alessandro Cortello, Federico Lepre und Roberto Miani in Begleitung des Pianisten Michele Bravin auf.
In Vallelunga in Pula findet zum 25. Mal die „Croatian Bike Week“ statt.
Besuchen Sie ab 20 Uhr am Forum in Pula die „Istrian Hand Made Fair“.
Auch am Forum spielt um 21 Uhr die Pula Jazz Band.
Vor dem Goldenen Tor in Pula können Sie ab 21.30 Uhr „Dancing stars – lateinamerikanischen Tanz und eine Tanzshow“ erleben.
Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Ihnen Medulin FM.
Dear guests,
You can visit Istra Gourmet on the square in Premantura from 8 p.m.
You can come to MedulinArt Fair on the coast of Medulin from 7 p.m.
You cam come to “Night At The Opera” program at St Agnes church in Medulin at 9 p.m. The performances are by: Alessandro Cortello (tenor), Federico Lepre (tenor), Roberto Miani (tenor), Michele Bravin (piano).
The 25th Croatia Bike Week is currently being held on Vallelunga in Pula.
You can come to Istria Hand Made Fair on Forum from 8 p.m.
You can listen to a jazz concert of Jazz Band Pula on Forum at 9 p.m.
You can visit the Dancing Stars; a show of Latin American dances and show dance on Portarata Square in Pula at 9:30 p.m.
Medulin FM wishes you a pleasant evening.
Navigatore turistico, lunedì 26 agosto
Cari ospiti,
a Promontore in piazza, dalle ore 20.00 visitate l’Istra Gourmet.
A Medolino in riva, dalle ore 19.00 venite al MedulinArt Fair.
In chiesa di Sant’Agnese a Medolino alle ore 21.00 vi attende il programma”Night At The Opera”. Si esibiranno: Alessandro Cortello (tenore), Federico Lepre (tenore), Roberto Miani (tenore) e Michele Bravin (al pianoforte).
A Vallelunga a Pola, è in corso l’incontro di moto – il 25-esimo Croatia Bike Week.
In piazza Foro a Pola dalle ore 20.00 vi attende l’Istrian Hand Made Fair.
In piazza Foro alle ore 21.00 venite ad ascoltare il concerto jazz della Jazz Band Pula.
In piazza Portarata a Pola alle ore 21.30 visitate il Dancing stars; la danza latino americana e show dance.
Buona serata vi augura Medolino FM.