Turistički navigator, subota 31. kolovoza

Turistički navigator, subota 31. kolovoza


Dragi gosti,


svi ste pozvani večeras od 18 sati, u Arheološki park Vižula u Medulinu.   Info dan Vižule biti će u znaku i 3D (VR) naočala koje možete isprobati besplatno.

Nakon predstavljanja Vižule, počinje organizirani stručni obilazak parka uz vodstvo arheologa. U 20:00 sati pogledajte i premijeru znanstveno-edukativnog filma o Vižuli te u 21.00 sat uživajte u zajedničkom domjenku.


U Beach baru Barracuda večeras je 20% popusta na svo piće a na koktele čak 25%.

Na Vallelungi u Puli posjetite 25. moto susret Croatia Bike Week. Čekaju vas i posebna gastro iznenađenja : roštilj od 6 metara i Hook and Cook kulinarska atrakcija.
Veliki defile motorista je u subotu u 16.00 sati sa posebnom jubilarnom fotografijom ispred Arene!


Na Malom Brijunu u 20.30 sati Kazalište Ulysses uz gostovanje HNK Zagreb prikazuje predstavu “Tko pjeva, zlo ne misli”.


U tunelu Zerostrasse u Puli od 19.30 održava se Dimensions Tunnel parties.


Na Kaštelu u Puli, u 21.00 sat pogledajte predstavu: “Who the f…k  is Biba?”


Na Forumu u 21.00 sat dođite na AB Original breakdance show.


Ugodnu večer želi vam Medulin FM.




Dear Guests,


From 6 p.m. you are invited to the archaeological park Vižula in Medulin. On the Vižula info day you can try out the 3D (VR) glasses for free. The organised guided tour of the park starts after the presentation of Vižula. At 8 p.m. you can watch the premiere of an educational film about Vižula and at 9 p.m. you can enjoy the after party.


Tonight you can enjoy a 20% discount on all drinks and 25% on cocktails in Barracuda beach bar.


The 25th Croatia Bike Week is currently being held on Vallelunga in Pula. You can experience plenty of gastronomic surprises, such as the six metre barbecue and culinary attraction Hook & Cook. The parade of all the motorbikes is being held on Saturday, 31st August at 4 p.m., with a special jubilee photo in front of the Arena.


On the Island of Mali Brijun, Ulysses Theatre is hosting a theatre performance “ONE SONG A DAY TAKES MISCHIEF AWAY” with Croatian National Theatre at 8:30 p.m.


Dimensions Tunnel parties is being held in Zerostrasse tunnel in Pula at 7:30 p.m.


On Kaštel in Pula at 9 p.m. you can watch a theatre performance “Who the f…k  is Biba?”


You can come to the AB Original breakdance show on Forum at 9 p.m.


Medulin FM wishes you a pleasant evening

Samstag, 31.08.


Liebe Gäste,


Herzlich eingeladen sind Sie heute Abend ab 20 Uhr im Archäologiepark „Vižula“. VR Brillen können an dem heutigen Informationstag kostenlos ausgeliehen werden. Des Weiteren werden Führungen von Archäologen angeboten. Um 20 Uhr wird ein Film über die Vižula gezeigt. Genießen Sie um 21 Uhr einen gemeinsamen Empfang.


In der Beach Bar Barracuda erhalten Sie heute Abend 20% Ermäßigung auf Bier, Rakija und Shooters.


Besuchem Sie die 25. „Croatian Bike Week“ in Vallelunga in Pula mit dem besonderen gastronomischen Angebot eines sechs Meter langen Grills und der Attraktion „Hook and Cook“.

Am Samstag können Sie ab 16 Uhr eine Parade von allen Teilnehmern erleben. Ein besonderes Jubiläumsfoto wird vor der Arena geschossen.


Auf der Insel Brijuni präsentiert um 20.30 Uhr das Theater Ulysses und das HNK Zagreb das Stück „Tko pjeva, zlo ne misli” (Wer singt, denkt nicht böse).


Besuchen Sie ab 19.30 Uhr in den Tunnels der Zerostrasse in Pula die „Dimensions Tunnel parties“.


Um 21 Uhr wird im „Kaštel“ in Pula das Theaterstück “Who the f…k  is Biba?” aufgeführt.


Um 21 Uhr hat das „AB Original breakdance Studio“ seinen Auftritt am Forum in Pula.


Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Ihnen Medulin FM.


Navigatore turistico, sabato 31 agosto

Cari ospiti,

siete invitati questa sera dalle ore 18.00, nel Parco archeologico Vižula a Medolino. Il giorno info Vižula sarà  all’insegna degli occhiali 3D (VR) che potrete provare gratuitamente.

Dopo la presentazione di Vižula, inizia il tour organizzato del parco con la guida di un’archeologo. Alle ore 20.00 guardate la prima del film scentifico-didattico su Vižula ed alle ore 21.00 ci sarà un rinfresco per tutti.

Nel Beach bar Barracuda questa sera ci sarà lo sconto del 20% su tutte le bevande, ed il 25% su i cocktail.

A Vallelunga a Pola venite al 25-esimo raduno di moto Croatia Bike Week. Vi attendono sorprese gastronomiche: la grigliata di 6 metri e l’attrazione culinaria Hook and Cook.

La grande sfilata dei motociclisti si terrà alle ore 16.00 con foto davanti all’Arena.

A Brioni Minore alle ore 20.30 al Teatro Ulysses, il Teatro nazionale croato di Zagabria presenta lo spettacolo „Chi canta, non pensa male“.

Nel tunnel Zerostrasse a Pola dalle ore 19.30 si svolge il Dimensions Tunnel parties.

In Castello a Pola, alle ore 21.00 guardate lo spettacolo: “Who the f…k  is Biba?”

In piazza Foro alle ore 21.00 venite al AB Original breakdance show.

Buona serata vi augura Medolino FM.